The srm.conf file is where you define the name space that users see of your Apache server. This file
also defines server setting which affect how requests are serviced, and how results should be formatted.
You will find the following directives in the srm.conf file:
- This is where you define the document root (where web browsers start) for Apache.
- NOTE. This can be sub divided in the directives so you have a document root for each VirtualHost
- The name of the directory which is appended onto a user's home directory if a ~user request is recieved.
- This is where you list (in order from left to right) what the default loading documents are for you web server
- ie. index.html
- You can list multiple file names (ie. index.cgi index.html index.shtml default.htm) and the web server will look for
the left most document first and work toward the right until it finds a match
- If set on you will recieve "Fancy" indexing when a default file is not found (Defined in DirectoryIndex)
- If set off you will recieve a "Standar" indexing when a default file is not found
- This is where you define icons by file type or file extension
- If it is defined by file type then the file type needs to be defined in the mime.types configuration file
- ByEncoding defines by encoding type defined by AddEncoding directive (described later this page)
- ByType defines by file type defined in mime.types file (ie. text/*)
- AddIcon by itself defines by file extension (ie. .txt)
- This icon is used when no other match can be found for a file
- This defines the name of the README file in directories
- This defines the name of the HEADER file in directories
- This defines the name of the file to look for in each directory for access control information
(default .htaccess)
- This defines the location and name of the file that contains the mime type definitions
- This defines the default type for a file if a match is not found in the mime type definition
- This allows you to have certain browsers (ie. Mosaic/X 2.1+) uncompress information on the fly
- NOTE: Not all browsers support this
- This allows you to specify the language of a document. You can then use content negotiation to
give a browser a file in a language it can understand.
- Note: The suffix does not have to be the same as the language keyword
- This defines the precedence to some languages in case of a tie during content negotiation.
- The order of precedence is left to right
- This lets you define Alias paths for a browser.
- The format is Alias fakename realname
- ie. Alias /icons/ /home/httpd/icons
- in a browser would point the the directory /home/httpd/icons on your server
an not the icons subdirectory in DocumentRoot defined directory
- This acts the same as the Alias directive but is use to define locations for CGI programs
- If you define a "ScriptAlias" directory then Apache will know this contains CGI programs and will treat them
as such, if you place CGI programs (ie. perl) outside the defined "ScriptAlias" then you will need to make
additional configuration changes as seen below
- This allows you to "tweak" mime.types without actually editing it, or to make certain files to be certain types
- These files are defined by file extension (ie. .cgi)
- This is where you define mappings of file extensions to Apache Server Handlers
- If you were to you perl scripts, using cgi and pl extensions, on your server you would need the following:
- AddHandler perl-script cgi
- AddHandler perl-script pl
- This can also be used in conjunction with AddType to add special features to the web server such as parsing files
for SSI (Server Side Include) tags ie:
- AddType text/html .shtml
- AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
- This defines the name fof the directory in which Apache can find meta information files. These files contain
additional HTTP headers to include when sending the document
- This defines the file name extension for the files containing meta information
- This defines the name and location of the file that lists the hints for MimeMagic
- MimeMagic allows the server to use various hints from this file to determine a file type
- This directive disables keepalives and HTTP header flushes for each definition.
- BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive disables keepalives for Netscape 2.x and browsers that use the same
Mozilla format
- BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0 forces the header response to be RealPlayer 1.0 for any header requests
defined as RealPlayer 4.0